The Board of Directors and Senior Management Team of CANES Community Care held a virtual Strategic Planning session on October 30th and October 31st, 2020. Following a thorough review of trends and opportunities in the external environment as well as the internal agency structure.
Part of this process involved a review of the agency’s Vision, Mission and Values to determine If they were still reflective of our current programming, service delivery structure and external environment. Once the agency’s strategic roadmap was finalized, CANES’ Board and Senior Management Team deemed it necessary to schedule another virtual planning session.
This next virtual planning session was entirely focused on updating the agency's Vision, Mission and Values to align with the assessments captured in the newly developed strategic roadmap, taking into consideration the agency’s broadened scope of service, clientele and the constantly changing external environment.
If you you would like to share this information with your agency, or post on any news platforms, feel free to download an enclosed one-pager below unveiling the new Vision, Mission and Values statements.
If you have any questions regarding this correspondence, please feel free to reach out to Lucy Luwede, Manager, Strategic Operations via email at